Thursday, December 1, 2011


Nepal is a mountainous country. She is known as the land of the Himalayas. The Himalayas situated in the northern part of the country must have uplifted the identity is dignity of her. The high mountains in Nepal are covered with snow; but the lower parts of them are covered with grass and plants. Many people live in mountains. Most of the fertile lands are cultivated. The mountains are not densely populated. Life of the people is difficult here. Most of the people are farmers. Higher mountains are also used to graze the cattle's such as cows, yaks, goats and sheep. The snow capped mountain peaks tempt many foreign tourists. They seem to be attractive but they are getting polluted nowadays. The main attractions of tourism in Nepal are these lofty mountains. These heavenly mountains attributing angelic beauty in Nepal play a cosmic role to the enhancement of tourism. Our tourism trade depends on them. Many tourists eagerly visit Nepal to watch the mountains. Some of them come here to climb the snowy mountains especially they climb Mt.Everest, the highest peak in the world.  Many rare herbs are found in the Himalayan regions of Nepal. We can use them directly as the medicine or they can be used to make important medicines.
If we export them to foreign countries we can earn foreign currency. The snowcapped mountains are the origins of the rivers in Nepal. Therefore, mountains are the permanent sources of water. The climate and environment are completely fresh and healthy in the mountains. That’s why the inhabitants of the mountain regions are always vigorous and robust. We can have some disadvantage from mountains. They are one of the hindrances to the development of country. The fertility of the land is not rich in the mountains. The farmers are under the poverty line. Roads are the basic requirements of any other development programme. But road making in mountains proves to be very slow and expensive.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Peasants of Nepal

Introduction:- Nepal is predominantly an agricultural country. About 90 percent people here are farmers. So farming is the main source of their livelihood. The peasants live in villages. They are hard working. They have different customs, religions and languages. They wear different dresses.

Condition of Peasants in Nepal:- The peasants of Nepal are very poor. They live in small houses and huts. They eat poor food and wear rags. They work from morning to evening. They cannot read or write. They cannot spend money for their children education. They follow the primitive methods of agriculture. They do not use improved seeds and chemical fertilizer. As a result, they cannot grow bigger and better quality of crops. They pass miserable life. They do not know what is happening in the world. They are underemployed. During the winter, they remain idle. Because of the lack of  irrigational facilities, their land remains barren during winter. Apart from their work in the field, they tame many kinds of domesticated like cows, buffaloes, goats and oxen. The oxen plough their land. They get money by selling milk and meat. Some peasants have some land of their own. Some do not have their own land. They cultivate the land of the landowners. They can be replaced at any time from the landowners. They have to please the landowners to continue cultivation on their land. Although,the Land Reform Act has provided the right to land,it is not in practice.So the government.So the government should provide special attention to protect the rights of the peasants. Moreover, the government should provide loans to the peasants in reasonable interest. They must be ensured to sell their products in reasonable price. As majority of the people in Nepal are farmers. the development of the nations depends on agriculture. If agriculture is good,the status of the farmers can be improved. Hence the country can develop. That is why the government should give top priority in agriculture. The peasants must also be aware of their rights and demand support from the government.They must identify the importance of improved methods of farming and follow the methods accordingly.