Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The forests in Nepal

Nepalis a mountainous country. It is situated on the lap of  Himalayas. It is naturally rich although it is economically poor. The green forests, water-falls, snow-capped mountains, tranquil lakes are her main attractions. Nepal is popular all over the world for her natural beauty. Forests are the main natural resources of Nepal. Many kinds of forests can be found because of attitudinal variation. Hence we often say," Green forest is  the wealth of Nepal". In fact, forests contribute a lot for the nations economic upliftment. They have different advantages.  They make the environment fresh and beautiful. Many kinds of wild animals can be found. The sweet song of different kinds of birds add more attraction in the forests. Medicinal herbs are also found which can be used for natural treatment. We can earn foreign currency by exporting them. Tourists visit the green forests of Nepal. Hence tourism can be flourished.Foreign currency can be earned from the tourists. Forests help to increase the intensity of rainfall. The Nepalese farmers rely on rainfall. Hence, it is very important. The green forests found in the Terai region are rich in timber making trees. Foreign currency can be earned by exporting them. The last but not least is, the roots of the trees go down to the great depth and capture the soil tightly which prevents the occurrence of soil erosion. The population of Nepal is increasing so rapidly that men destroy the jungle for cultivation, settlement and other purposes. This should be stopped. The local people should be given authority and responsibility to preserve the forests for their own use. They should be taught the importance of forests. The government should formulate strict rules. There must be the provision of sever punishment for those who destroy the jungle. In addition, different  activities should be launched. The afforestation programme should be carried out all over the country.It has been too late to launch different programmes to preserve the forests. In this connection, the peoples involvement is crucial. They should be empowered to preserve the jungle for their own benefit.

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