Monday, November 28, 2011

Tourism in Nepal

Nepal is a tourism country. In Nepal there are many tourism places which attracts tourists to come in Nepal. Kathmandu, Dharan are the places where tourists come. Tourists are those person who travels away from their place to another place for entertainment and broaden their mind. So it is said that travel broaden mind. Tourists like to roam from one place to another place. They want to know about different cultures, traditions and customs. Pokhara is  also main place for tourism. Many tourists come here every year. Pokhara is the storehouse of beauty in the world. But it seems hiding in the blue sky of  Nepal. It is a beautiful creation of nature  that can be supposed  to serve as a medicine which soothes the disturbed mind. The beauty of Pokhara  is  itself the attraction for tourists. Tourists visit Pokhara to touch the depth of Seti gorge, to sink in the lakes like Fewa,Begnas and Rupa. The shadow of silver colored  pyramidal fishtail on the courtyard of Fewa lake melts the boiling blood of the tourists who visit Pokhara. They want to be lost inside the ecoing  jungle and want to feel the nature from their hearts. The view of sky pokhara, silvery and golden Himalayas,snoring rivers and cloudy hills seen from Sarangkot is the magnetic power which attracts tourists.

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