Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Peasants of Nepal

Introduction:- Nepal is predominantly an agricultural country. About 90 percent people here are farmers. So farming is the main source of their livelihood. The peasants live in villages. They are hard working. They have different customs, religions and languages. They wear different dresses.

Condition of Peasants in Nepal:- The peasants of Nepal are very poor. They live in small houses and huts. They eat poor food and wear rags. They work from morning to evening. They cannot read or write. They cannot spend money for their children education. They follow the primitive methods of agriculture. They do not use improved seeds and chemical fertilizer. As a result, they cannot grow bigger and better quality of crops. They pass miserable life. They do not know what is happening in the world. They are underemployed. During the winter, they remain idle. Because of the lack of  irrigational facilities, their land remains barren during winter. Apart from their work in the field, they tame many kinds of domesticated like cows, buffaloes, goats and oxen. The oxen plough their land. They get money by selling milk and meat. Some peasants have some land of their own. Some do not have their own land. They cultivate the land of the landowners. They can be replaced at any time from the landowners. They have to please the landowners to continue cultivation on their land. Although,the Land Reform Act has provided the right to land,it is not in practice.So the government.So the government should provide special attention to protect the rights of the peasants. Moreover, the government should provide loans to the peasants in reasonable interest. They must be ensured to sell their products in reasonable price. As majority of the people in Nepal are farmers. the development of the nations depends on agriculture. If agriculture is good,the status of the farmers can be improved. Hence the country can develop. That is why the government should give top priority in agriculture. The peasants must also be aware of their rights and demand support from the government.They must identify the importance of improved methods of farming and follow the methods accordingly.

The Rivers in Nepal

Nepal is economically poor but naturally rich. Green forests, tranquil lakes,snow -capped mountains,etc . are the resources of Nepal. Among them, river is the important resource. Nepal is the second rich country in the world in water resource. Most of the rivers of Nepal are originated through Himalayas. As a result, the rivers have plenty of water even in dry season. There are many rivers in the country. Among them Gandaki  in the central part, Koshi in the eastern part and Karnali in the western part are important. The rivers of Nepal are of great importance. First they can be used to generate electricity. Nepalese people still use oil-lamps and candle to light their houses. It is because Nepal is not able to produce enough electricity. If the government gives proper attention, Nepal can generate enough electricity from the Nepalese rivers. Secondly, they can be used for irrigation. Nepalese farmers depend on rainfall for agriculture. As a result, the production is low. The land is left barren during  dry season. The rivers of Nepal can be used for irrigating the farm. Thirdly, the tourists are attracted by the flow of water.As a result, tourism can be flourished. Fourthly, they can be used for transport. The Nepalese rivers have no enough volume of water for ship. However, rafting is possible. Fifthly, the rivers can be used for drinking purposes. If the government can spend money, drinking water can be supplied in big cities too. There is lack of enough drinking water in the big cities too. The rivers of Nepal can be used for drinking purposes. The rivers of Nepal are being polluted. The holy rivers of Kathmandu, Bagmati, and Bishnumati are badly polluted. The wastage are thrown in these rivers. This should be stopped at any cost.The rivers of Nepal are not properly used for irrigation and generation of electricity. It is because of the lack of technicians and adequate capital. The country has to allot adequate budget for such purposes. If done so,plenty of crops can be grown and money can be earned by selling electricity in neighboring countries.

The forests in Nepal

Nepalis a mountainous country. It is situated on the lap of  Himalayas. It is naturally rich although it is economically poor. The green forests, water-falls, snow-capped mountains, tranquil lakes are her main attractions. Nepal is popular all over the world for her natural beauty. Forests are the main natural resources of Nepal. Many kinds of forests can be found because of attitudinal variation. Hence we often say," Green forest is  the wealth of Nepal". In fact, forests contribute a lot for the nations economic upliftment. They have different advantages.  They make the environment fresh and beautiful. Many kinds of wild animals can be found. The sweet song of different kinds of birds add more attraction in the forests. Medicinal herbs are also found which can be used for natural treatment. We can earn foreign currency by exporting them. Tourists visit the green forests of Nepal. Hence tourism can be flourished.Foreign currency can be earned from the tourists. Forests help to increase the intensity of rainfall. The Nepalese farmers rely on rainfall. Hence, it is very important. The green forests found in the Terai region are rich in timber making trees. Foreign currency can be earned by exporting them. The last but not least is, the roots of the trees go down to the great depth and capture the soil tightly which prevents the occurrence of soil erosion. The population of Nepal is increasing so rapidly that men destroy the jungle for cultivation, settlement and other purposes. This should be stopped. The local people should be given authority and responsibility to preserve the forests for their own use. They should be taught the importance of forests. The government should formulate strict rules. There must be the provision of sever punishment for those who destroy the jungle. In addition, different  activities should be launched. The afforestation programme should be carried out all over the country.It has been too late to launch different programmes to preserve the forests. In this connection, the peoples involvement is crucial. They should be empowered to preserve the jungle for their own benefit.

Geographical features of Nepal

Nepal lies in a Eastern part of Asia geographically. It is a land locked country. Even though the land is not enough it is a beautiful place. There lies Himalayan range to the north. It seemed very beautiful with snow cap like a line of teeth within a set row. It has low valley hills and plain surfaced terai. Nepal is divided into 3 parts geographically . They are Mountain region,Hilly region and Terai region. Every region has its specialties. Ecologically every region are very rich. In Mountain region there can be found different kinds of rear plants and rear animals. Such as medicinal herbs panchaule, chiraito , nirmasi , jatamasi, serpentine etc. And hue chituwa snow leopard,panda and different species of birds. In hilly region there we can found Timor, chap, kotus, chilaune and clouded bear, leopard etc. In terai region there are many wet land where there can be found all the types of birds over the year because Migrated birds come over the year. The rare birds which is only found in Nepal is (kada vyakur) is found here. In the Mid hilly region the rare plant which is very expensive is found. That is yarsagumbha (cordycepes). According to the climate there we can find all  types of climate. Climate makes different in the formation of land and production of crops. There are many wet lands, lakes, river and rivolute. They add more beauty and uniqueness for their way  they follow. Nepalese people are very simple people. They are hard working and laborious. All believe in their own muscles. The main occupation of Mountain region is Animal husbandry, potatoes farming and tourism. Likewise Agriculture,trade, a few industries and animal husbandry is the occupation of hilly region. People of  Terai are mostly involved in agriculture. A few people are involved in trade and industries. Himalaya people wear thick clothes and eat barley, wheat and potatoes. Specially there food is potatoes and dhindo. Dal, Bhat is the main food of  hilly region.. Chapatis (roti) and Dal Bhat is main food of  terai  region. It is small country but there are uncountable varieties in culture. So Laxmi Prasad Devkota has said nepal is a small country by its area but the biggest one by its natural differences and cultural  varieties.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Nepal is blessed with a rich cultural heritage. Culture has been called 'the way of life for an entire society'. The statement holds particularly true in case of Nepal where every aspect of life, food, clothing and even occupations are culturally classified. In a society so feudalistic and so fractured across class lines, cultural heritage comes as a fresh wind. The culture of Nepal includes the codes of manners, dress, language, rituals, norms of behavior and systems of belief.Nepalese are among the most hospitable hosts. This is the reason for which tourists from far and wide enjoy coming to Nepal time and again. Nepalese are culturally warm, hospitable and affectionate hosts who place their heart above their head. Religion is the lifeblood of the Nepalese. Officially it is a Hindu country, but in practice the religion is a syncretism of Hindu and Buddhist beliefs with a pantheon of Tantrik deities tagged on. The culture of Nepal is a unique combination of tradition and novelty. The traditions are followed as they were and new customs are created to keep pace with the changing times. It is surprising to note that a country as poor, illiterate and backward as Nepal displays such flexibility when it come to incorporating traits from other cultures. Culture in Nepal is an assemblage of music, architecture, religion and literature. The mountain kingdom of Nepal is multi-ethic and multi-lingual. The land is rich with unique cultural groups like Tharu,Yadav, Ahir, Newars and others.


Lumbini is located in the south-central Terai of Nepal, situated in the foothills of the Himalayas. For millions of Buddhists the world over, it evokes a kind of holy sentiment akin to the significance of Jerusalem to Christians and Mecca to Muslims. Lumbini is the place where Lord Buddha - the apostle of peace, and the Light of Asia - was born in 623 B.C. In historical terms, the region is an exquisite treasure-trove of ancient ruins and antiquities, dating back to the pre-Christian era. The site (Lumbini Grove) was described as a beautiful garden in the Buddha's time and still retains its legendary charm and beauty. Both the Shakyas and Kolias Clans owned the garden and its tranquil environs at the time of Lord Buddha's birth. King Suddhodana, father of Buddha was of the Shakya Dynasty belonging to the Kshatriya or Warrior Caste.

For centuries, Buddhists the world over knew that the general area of Lumbini was where the Lord was born. In the words of those famous Chinese pilgrims of antiquity, Huian Tsang and Faeihan, 'Lumbini -where the Lord was born - is a piece of Heaven on Earth, where one could see the snowy mountains amidst a splendid garden, embedded with stupas and monasteries!' However, the exact location remained uncertain and obscure until 1 December 1886 when a wandering German archaeologist Dr. Alois A. Fuhrer came across a stone pillar and ascertained beyond doubt it was indeed the birthplace of Lord Buddha. Since that day it has become a focal point for hundreds of thousands of pilgrims.

Lumbini is the fourth largest tourist destination in Nepal. Nearly 20,000 tourists visit the area every year (Source: Nepal Tourism Board). Recently, UNESCO has declared it a World Heritage Site. It has great potential to grow as the major tourist destination in years to come.


 The small town of kritipur is on a hill,5 km southwest  of Kathmandu. In the past,there were 12 gates of the town. Parts of the old city wall still remain. The main industry in town is the Kirtipur Cottage Industry Center and most of the residents are either weavers or farmers. There are some great views of Kathmandu and the The small town of Kirtipur is on a hill, 5km southwest of Kathmandu. In the past there mountains behind it.
Kirtipur is on two hills and the saddle between the hills.
With its easily dependable hilltop location, when Prithvi Narayan Shah attacked the valley in 1768, Kirtipur was the first place to be attacked. After a tough siege, the town was taken. The king being angry at the resistance order that all the male residents of the town have their lips and nose cut off, but those who could play wind instruments were spared. It is said that news of this punishment spread across the valley and resistant was weakened else where across the valley. Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur all quickly who defeated.
Tribhuvan University, the University of Nepal, has the best library in Nepal. It is at the bottom of the hill that the town is on.
At the bottom of the two hills, where they meet is the three-tiered Bagh Bhairab Temple, which is holy to both Hindus and Buddhists. The main deity of the temple is Bhairab, in the form of a tiger. There is a temple torana to the left of the entrance with Vishnu riding Garuda. Bhairab in the middle of Ganesh and Kumar is below them. The temple is covered with swords and shields that belong to the troop of Kirtipur, who were defeat by the army of King Prithvi Narayan Shah. Sacrifices are made here on Tuesday and Saturday mornings.
The triple-roofed Uma Maheshwar Temple, or Hindu Kvat, is gotten by climbing the stone stairway by the saddle. On either side of the beginning of the stairway is a stone elephant with spikes on them. The main deities in this temple are standing Siva and Parvati. To the left of the main deities is the form of Siva with Parvati leaning against him seductively. From the temple there are good views of the surrounding area. The temple was originally built in 1673 and had four roofs. It was damaged in the earthquake of 1934 and was restored.
The Chilanchu Vihara is on top of the southern hill. It has a central stupa and four stupas around it. It has statues and bells.Many buses come here from the Kathmandu City bus stand 45 minutes.


Pokhara is situated 200 kilometer west of Kathmandu at an alleviation of 3000 ft. Pokhara is a natural gift of our country.It has a rare combination of the Lon arrays of snowed peaks, crystals, clean lakes,panoramic Annapurna himal and  the warm climate,which remains favorable all the year round. the monsoon rains are strongest from June to august and other months are relatively dry. it has the beautiful fewa tal , seti river, mahendra cave and the various places of interest  for the  tourist like KI singh bridge, binder bashini temple, museum devis fall and Buddhist temple etc. Pokhara is situated in the northwestern corner of the pokhara valley, which is a widening of the Seti Gandaki valley. The seti river and its tributaries have dug impressive canyons into the valley floor, which are only visible from higher viewpoints or from the air.To the east of Pokhara is the municipality of lekhnath a recently established town in the valley.In no other place do mountains rise so quickly. In this area, within 30 km, the elevation rises from 1,000 m to over 7,500 m. Due to this sharp rise in altitude the area of Pokhara has one of the highest precipitation rates of the country (over 4,000 mm/year). Even within the city there is a noticeable difference in the amount of rain between the south of the city by the lake and the north at the foot of the mountains.The climate is sub-tropical but due to the elevation the temperatures are moderate: the summer temperatures average between 25–35 °C, in winter around -2–15 °C.In the south the city borders on Phewa Tal (lake) (4.4 km at an elevation of about 800 m above sea level), in the north at an elevation of around 1,000 m the outskirts of the city touch the base of the Annapurna mountain range From the southern fringes of the city 3 eight-thousanders and, in the middle of the Annapurna range, the Machhapuchchhre ('Fishtail') with close to 7,000 m can be seen. This mountain dominates the northern horizon of the city and its name derives from its twin peaks, not visible from the south . presented here some of the interesting within the pokhara valley.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Tourism in Nepal

Nepal is a tourism country. In Nepal there are many tourism places which attracts tourists to come in Nepal. Kathmandu, Dharan are the places where tourists come. Tourists are those person who travels away from their place to another place for entertainment and broaden their mind. So it is said that travel broaden mind. Tourists like to roam from one place to another place. They want to know about different cultures, traditions and customs. Pokhara is  also main place for tourism. Many tourists come here every year. Pokhara is the storehouse of beauty in the world. But it seems hiding in the blue sky of  Nepal. It is a beautiful creation of nature  that can be supposed  to serve as a medicine which soothes the disturbed mind. The beauty of Pokhara  is  itself the attraction for tourists. Tourists visit Pokhara to touch the depth of Seti gorge, to sink in the lakes like Fewa,Begnas and Rupa. The shadow of silver colored  pyramidal fishtail on the courtyard of Fewa lake melts the boiling blood of the tourists who visit Pokhara. They want to be lost inside the ecoing  jungle and want to feel the nature from their hearts. The view of sky pokhara, silvery and golden Himalayas,snoring rivers and cloudy hills seen from Sarangkot is the magnetic power which attracts tourists.

Trekking in Nepal

Trekking in Nepal

For the adventurous, nature and the culture lovers, trekking is the greatest way to see Nepal’s ever changing landscape and beauty. If you like to walk, this is one of the most inspiring places in the world to do it. Trekking Adventure in Nepal Himalaya offers numerous possibilities from the short and easy to the demanding challenges of the snowy peaks. It has become a trekker’s paradise for its cultural and diversity.
From Himalayan vistas to deeply spiritual cultures, you will witness Nepal that has to be seen and experienced to be believed. You don’t have to be a mountaineer to make it happen. Whatever your level of fitness or experience, you'll find an adventure of lifetime that is waiting for you in Nepal.
Ace the Himalaya is proud to share its trekking and outdoor adventures, century old cultures and natural beauty with our many years of experience give you an excellent opportunity to explore the magnificent Himalaya’s. Below are the list of Trekking regions in Nepal.
The Everest Region offers a number of trekking experiences rewarding many trekkers with towering views, lush valleys, an abundance of flora and fauna while passing Sherpa villages and local Monasteries.
Mount Everest was named after Sir George Everest in 1865 its known in Nepal as "Sagarmatha" which means the head of the ocean. Known in Tibet as “Chomalangma” which means goddess mother of the Earth.
In 1952 when two renewed figures Sir Edmund Hillary and Mr. Tenzing Nogey a Sherpa took the route of the Everest trail to summit the world’s highest peak, from that the entire Everest Region became popular for trekkers and nature lovers alike.
Everest Region is protected by the Sagarmatha National Park with an area of 1148 square kilometers. Composed of rugged terrain plus gorges of the high Himalayas. Altitude ranges from 2845 meres (9,330ft) to Mt. Everest at 8848 metres (29,028ft).
Everest region can be reached by air or on foot. The most convenient airport located to Everest is Lukla, which is serviced by many airlines daily from Kathmandu.


Dharan started as a small trading settlements. Over the last couple of decades, the population of Dharan has increased and diversified to include people from various ethnicities like Limbu, Rai, Gurung, Newar, Brahmins, Chhetris etc.
The modern Dharan's foundation was laid in 1902 A.D. by prime minister Chandra Samsher. He established a small village at the foot of Bijayapur hillock and named it Chandranagar (now Purano Bajar). The purpose was to supply timber to East India Company, who in 1890s had expanded its North Eastern territory and was laying railway tracks. The first government official to be appointed in this small village of Chandranagar was Subba Ratna Prasad. A settlement grew steadily over the course of time. This growing settlement was named Juddha Nagar (now Naya Bazaar) after Prime minister Juddha Samsher. It was declared a municipal town in 1960.

The British Gorkha Recruit Center was established in 1953 and this increased the flow of people and expansion of the town. Recruits from all over Nepal flocked to join British Gurkha, thereby drastically altering the face of Dharan. There was a surge in population with recruits bringing their families, and others who came to seek employment and exploit business opportunities. As a result, Dharan has emerged as one of the biggest towns in eastern Nepal. It is in true sense a melting pot of different ethnic groups, languages, dialects and religions.

In 1962, Nepal was divided into 14 administrative zones and 75 districts and Dharan was made the zonal headquarters of Kosi Zone. Initially, the town was divided into eleven wards, but in 1980 Banjjhogara Gaon Panchayat at the east (which is now the most developed area of Dharan) and Ghopa Gaon Panchayat at the west were added to Dharan Town Panchayat. This expansion led to the reformation of the wards. Now Dharan is divided into nineteen wards.

Interesting city Nepalgunj

Nepalgunj is an important business centre for at least 5 zones of Nepal: Bheri, Rapti, Mahakali, Karnali and Seti. The heart of the city- Dhumboji, where lies the center and perhaps the most important traffic junction of the town referred to as Birendra Chowk, is the main business hub with several banks,book shops,lodges, motor-parts and hardware dealears, and other general home appliance distributors. The 24 km long Surkhet Road, starting from Mahendra Chowk in Kohalpur and terminating at the Nepal-India Border, runs through the middle of the city passing through Birendra Chowk and two other important junctions- Pushpalal Chowk and BP Chowk, creating a network of roads that cover the major portion of city's industrial and residential areas.

Tribhuvan Chowk is famous for its commodity and fancy shops along Sadar Line and Ek-Laineeh, and for its garment stores. The zonal hospital of Bheri Zone- Bheri Hospital is located a few hundred meters south, and most of the important government offices like Chief District Office, Telecommunication Office, Post office, etc. are located within a radius of a few kilometers around it. Another famous area called New Road, while still under development, is emerging as a major attraction for its modern fashion retail shops, hotels and restaurants.

Restaurants in Nepalgunj are famous for its samosas, chaat, golgappas, momos(Nepalese-style Dumplings), sekuwa (fry dried-meat), biryani and chilled beer. Samosas, chaat, golgappas and sekuwa from Nepaljung are considered to be the most delicious in all Nepal.
The city is also popular for its religious significance. Bageshwori temple is renowned temple for hindu devotees. Hinduism and Islam are two major religions in Nepalgunj with Hindus comprising larger percentage of the population.
There are a lot of other areas in Nepalgunj that are developing rapidly and attracting new residents and industries. The city is developing fast due to relocation of mid-hill migrants. It is also a center for business for vicinity zones and their districts. The is a high possibility of Nepalgunj being developed into a major IT city in Nepal since a large population of young generation are showing keen interest and motivation towards new computer technology and internet-world. Adoption of new technologies and marketing into new sectors have shown a promising future for this city.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Historical city of nepal KATHMANDU

Kathmandu is the capital of nepal .Here are some of the interesting spots with the valley of kathmandu . The interesting spots with the valley of kathmandu .The valley has more unesco world heritage sites to offer than any country at a single place.Within 650,it consists of three main cities of great historical and cultural interest. Kathmandu , Patan and Bhaktapur with world palaces and squares(durbar squares) and many small villages and suburbs like changanarayan,bungamati,panauti,sankhu and others. three naths-boudhanath,pashupatinath and swayambhunath are very  impartant religious places for both hindus and buddhists.
Amazing pond of ktm

Swayambhunath:- It is regarded as one of the oldest stupas in the world. the stupa is also know as '' Monkey Temple ''. It is said to be more than 2000 years old . The stupa , perched on a sacred hilltop is surrounded with votive stupas, gilded peacocks , Taras, thunderbuolt( vajra, mandalas, tibetan monasteries and a temple of harati ajima.

Pashupatinath :- It is one of the most sacred of all hindu temples dedicated to lord shiva. it is situated on the bank of the holy bagmati  river where the cremation ghats are located . A quiet and peaceful place gives one an insight into one of the world's gretast religionss .non-hindus are not allowed to enter the temple.

Bouddhanath:-It is the world's largest Buddhist stupua. it is the site of great veneration for Himalayan Buddhists . being on the Tibet-Nepal trading route and many Tibetans living around the area, there are many monasteries of the different sects of Tibetan Buddhism being built. walking around this stupa will give one a glimpse of Tibet.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

About Nepal Tourism

Nepal is a tourism country. In Nepal there are many tourism places which attracts tourists to come in nepal. Kathmandu,dharan are the places where tourist come. Tourists are those person who travels away from their place to another place for entertainment and to broaden to their it is said that travels broaden mind.Tourist like to roamfrom anout to another place.They want to know about different cultures,traditional and coustoms .Pokhara is also main place for tourism.Many tourist come here every years. Pokhara is the storehouse of beauty in the world. But it seems hiding in the blue sky of Nepal. It is a beautiful creation  of nature that can be supposed to serve as a medicine which soothes the disturbed mind. The beauty of pokhara is itself the attraction for tourists .Tourists visit Pokhara to touch the depth of Seti gorge,to sink in the lakes like Fewa, Begnas and Rupa. The shadow of silver colored pyramidal fishtails on the courtyard of phewa lake melts the boiling blood of the tourists who visit in pokhara.They want to be lost inside the  echoing jungle and want to feel the nature from their hearts. The view of sky pokhara silvery and golden Himalayan, snoring rivers and cloudy hills seen from Sarangkot is the magnetic power which attracts tourists.The bubbling water falling from the devis falls with roaring sound can enter into some one mind forever. The homes of ours ancestors with white doors and black rooms named mahnedra, gupteshor, chamero  caves are the main attraction of pokhara. The ancient pagoda style temple with neppalese architectural designs and decorted with difficult  painting.sculpture like bindavashini , barahi bhadrakali temples show the real nepalese art and culter consedering all the natural heritage pokhara is really a beautiful place.Together for tourism is a slogan of tourism year 2011. as it is said together for tourism mean joining hands from all parts and fields of country.Such as we have seen that interprenves are involving for the permotion of different places which have tourist favorable possibility .the aim of the tourism year 2011 is to make our country known to the whole world. such as there was great misconception about lord buddha birth in china. thanks to those people who make it cllear that lumbini is the birth places of  lord buddha. before tourism year1998 we where known only by gorkhas and himalayas. after that our country is kepy in the list to reach once in life. so it is the fruits of tourism year .so it most be the matter of concentration for everybody.we should make tourism years successful.